The OGEES Institute pursues a four-fold mandate of research, training, consultancy and publication in the areas of natural resources, energy, and environment.
Our Mission is to advance and promote sustainable development in the exploration of natural resources particularly oil and gas. We hope to utilize national and international law and institutions to promote the sustainable exploration of natural resources, protect the environment and human health, promote energy security and foster a progressive shift towards renewable energy resources in Nigeria, across Africa and all over the world.
Our Vision is to achieve sustainable energy development. Our Mission is to use legal and policy framework to achieve more inclusive and equitable management of our energy resources within safer, healthier and wealthier communities.
The Strategic Objectives of the Institute are to utilize policy, law and institutions to promote the sustainable exploration of natural resources, protect the environment and human health, promote energy security and foster a progressive shift towards renewable energy resources in Nigeria, across Africa and all over the world.
These objectives would be achieved as we:
Provide legal and policy counsel, advocacy, policy research and capacity building in the areas of Oil, Gas, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
Advance oil gas, environment and sustainable development scholarship through research and analysis
Disseminate results of policy and legal research in our core areas through the publication of an internationally refereed journal, the Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy
Support other knowledge dissemination initiatives such as conference presentations in global events by our Fellows, book publications, articles in other international peer-reviewed journals, releasing periodic working papers, opinion papers and legal briefs
Build capacity, education and experience in our core areas through seminars, trainings, workshops, dialogue sessions, tea talks, legal panel events, and conferences
Develop training and capacity development partnerships with industries, public and private sectors in the areas of oil, gas, environment and sustainable development
Attract and retain world class research fellows that would support and contribute to the research agenda and publication portfolios of the Institute
Advance strategy to attract research funding in the short term and long term that would help strengthen OGEES Institute as an institution
Contribute to the teaching and research programs at the Afe Babalola University in these and other areas of research
Provide neutral forum and credible intellectual space for discussions of contemporary issues on oil, gas, energy, environment and sustainability, mineral extraction equity and management issues in Nigeria and in Africa.
In all, the Institute will facilitate research, capacity building and public dialogue on sustainable development in Nigeria and in Africa. The Institute will be at the vanguard of mobilizing and disseminating new knowledge in the areas of sustainable development law and policy and also raising the visibility of African research and researchers in this field.
We welcome international collaborative arrangements from other Institutes and agencies worldwide who work in these fields.