Oyeniyi Abe, PhD
Senior Research Fellow | Business and Human Rights
Oyeniyi Abe is a Senior Research Fellow in Business and Human Rights Law at the OGEES Institute. He obtained his PhD in Business and Human Rights Law from the University of Capetown, South Africa. Mr. Abe's research interests include business and human rights, liability of non-state actors for human rights violation, corporate social responsibility and conflict resolution. He has spoken at local and international conferences and has also published in local and international journals. He teaches Human Rights, Dispute Resolution and Commercial Law at the College of Law at Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti. He is currently a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at Loyola University, Chicago School of Law.
Mr. Abe holds a Bachelors of Arts (B.A) degree in English Language from the University of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria with a Second Class Upper Division in 2001. He later proceeded to the University of Benin, Nigeria where he obtained his LL. B (Hons), Second Class Upper Division in 2008. He was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2009 after graduating from the Nigerian Law School with a Second Class Upper Division. In 2010, he got a scholarship award from the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary to undertake a Master's degree program in International Business Law and this culminated in obtaining his LL.M degree in 2011. He immediately returned to his home country, Nigeria to commence lecturing at the Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti. Niyi lectured briefly at the College of Education, Benin, Nigeria before working as a Human Resource specialist at an Information Technology firm in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He also practiced as an Attorney in the City of Lagos. Law firms of Alpha-Juris and Royal Heritage, both in Lagos, Nigeria. He was very active in the firm's litigation and corporate transactional practice.
A prolific researcher and speaker, he sits on the Executive Council of the International Law Association, Nigerian Branch and is a member of the National Association of Law Teachers, International Bar Association, Nigerian Bar Association and Association of Professional Negotiators and Mediators.
contact: oabe@ogeesinstitute.edu.ng