VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1, 2014
Citation: (2014) 3 (1) Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy, Afe Babalola University, Nigeria
Print ISSN: 2467-8406 | e-ISSN: 2467-8392
Articles are available below for free download. To order a paper copy of the journal, please email info@ogeesinstitute.edu.ng
Editorial Comment 2-3
1. Legal Analysis of the European Union Sustainability Criteria for Biofuels
Evgenia Pavlovskaia 4-21
2. Vessel-Sourced Pollution: A Security Threat in Malaysian Waters
Abdulkadir O.Abdulrazaq and Sharifah Zubaidah Syed Abdul Kader 22-36
3. Bio Prospecting and the Environment: Evaluating the Adequacy of Laws and Practices in Nigeria
Chris Chijoke Ohurougu and Chukwudumebi Okoye-Asoh 37-59
4. The Challenges of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Hakeem Ijaiya 60-71
5. Safe Disposal of Municipal Wastes in Nigeria: Perspectives on a Rights Based Approach
Nnamdi Ikpeze 72-86
Oyeniyi Ajigboye 87-98
Amos O. Enabulele 99-117
Abdulkadir B. Abdulkadir 118-131
9. Governance and the Challenge of Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria
Patrick Oluwole, Friday Aworawo, and Ifedayo Tolu 132-148
10. Workability of the Norms of Transparency and Accountability against Corruption in Nigeria
Simeon Igbinedion 149-176
Gbenga Akinwande 177-188
12. A Review of the Key Provisions of the Petroleum Industry Bill and the Implications on Deregulation
Olutumbi A Babayomi 189-201
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